Felicia LaTour Opens Up About Being a Mom, “The Mama’s Den,” and How She Learned to Ask for Help
by Black Love Team



May 24, 2024


8 Minute Read


Felicia LaTour Opens Up About Being a Mom, “The Mama’s Den,” and How She Learned to Ask for Help

Felicia LaTour and her daughter, Peace. Courtesy of Felicia LaTour

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that motherhood is no easy feat. From the sleepless nights to the endless laundry piles, being a mom is a full-time job with no coffee breaks. But what if we told you there’s a place where moms can kick back, relax, and share their wildest tales of tantrums and triumphs without fear of judgment? Enter “The Mama’s Den” podcast, a haven for all things motherhood, hosted by the dynamic quartet: Felicia LaTour, Melanie Fiona, Ashley Chea, and Black Love Co-Founder Codie Elaine Oliver.

Black Love recently had the pleasure of catching up with content creator Felicia LaTour, one of the vibrant voices behind “The Mama’s Den,” and it was like chatting with an old friend. Felicia, a life coach, content creator, businesswoman, co-parent, and mother of two adorable kiddos named Peace and Zen, spilled the tea on what it’s like behind the mic and how motherhood has transformed her in more ways than one.

Reflecting on her journey with the podcast, Felicia described it as nothing short of eye-opening. “I think it has given me personally a safe space to express things that you don’t really express to the average person,” she shared. “It’s a safe space — you’re not judged, you’re not criticized, you’re not any of those things. It’s a place where I can authentically express [myself], and then show up in my day-to-day life better.” 

Isn’t that what we all crave — a sanctuary where we can unload our woes without fear of being labeled? “The Mama’s Den” is not just about airing out the dirty laundry (quite literally). Felicia shared how her time on the podcast has also taught her the art of asking for help — a skill she admits was unfamiliar to her as the child of a single parent. 

“Recognizing that I have help has been a game-changer,” she shares. “I feel like I’ve learned to ask for help more [during this time in my life]. And recognize that I have help. I think that’s always been a little bit of a challenge for me, growing up in a single-parent household. I had to do a lot of things for myself. So asking for help was very foreign to me.” 

Now, if you think motherhood is all about dirty diapers and sleepless nights, think again. For Felicia, being a mom has given her a newfound perspective on life — a journey of self-discovery and growth shared with her two children. 

“I’ve learned so much about myself through being a mom,” Felicia says. “Watching my kids reflect back to me the things that I love about myself, and maybe things that I’m like, ‘No, I’m gonna work on that.’ To be able to do it with them, and we grow together, and we expand together. And then we get to have fun together, too. It’s like, that’s what life is all about.”


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“Motherhood is everything,” she continues, “even if you don’t have a career that’s in motherhood. I chose to do a podcast and a clothing brand for moms and then, a nonprofit. But it’s also like, even if you don’t work with moms or motherhood, you still use those same skills — like being more patient. I love that.”

Felicia’s non-profit, Somebody’s Mama, launched on Friday, and she couldn’t be more excited. The organization’s mission is to aid “mothers in re-parenting their inner child while parenting their child through movement, art, mindfulness, and community support.” The resources Somebody’s Mama will provide will “help reduce depression, anxiety and suicide rates, offering a proactive approach to addressing mental health challenges in both adults and children,” according to the website. 

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Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a CEO, or somewhere in between, the skills you learn on this wild ride called motherhood are nothing short of life-changing. Moms — especially Black moms — are often expected to juggle a million tasks. Learning that it’s okay to seek help is the ultimate act of self-love. That self-love helped lay the foundation for a close sisterhood amongst “The Mama’s Den” mamas, according to Felicia. Their bond was forged by shared experiences and heartfelt conversations. 

“The Mama’s Den” hosts Felicia LaTour, Melanie Fiona, Ashley Chea, and Codie Elaine Oliver

“To be surrounded by women that I can continuously learn from is such a blessing from God,” Felicia shares. “It’s a deeper level of sisterhood. I have a sister but I always wanted older sisters.” Felicia adds that being back in the studio, trading jokes and laughter with her fellow mamas, has brought her joy and fulfillment. 

“It always feels like therapy,” she says, “and then, I feel like we also do more events and we see one another more when we’re recording. I feel like that’s always really nice to be able to tap into that — inside and outside the studio. Just being able to see one another and joke and laugh and have an intentional girls moment.” 

So, here’s to “The Mama’s Den,” a safe space in the often chaotic world of motherhood. And to Felicia and her fellow co-hosts, thank you for reminding us that behind every messy bun and spit-up-stained shirt lies a fierce mama ready to take on the world — one podcast episode at a time.