On April 21, 2015, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He was everything I ever dreamed he would be. And becoming a mother was everything I ever dreamed it would be. I spent countless hours doing skin-to-skin with him, gazing into his beautiful brown eyes, holding him, nursing him, singing him lullabies, brushing his hair, bathing him, and taking him for long strolls. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture – we spent a wonderful amount of uninterrupted, quality time together, and it was magical.
Fast forward to the present. I am now the mother of two little boys. I gave birth to another beautiful baby boy on December 1, 2017. He is also everything I ever dreamed he would be. But have I spent countless hours doing skin-to-skin with him, gazing into his beautiful brown eyes, holding him, nursing him, singing him lullabies, brushing his hair, bathing him, and taking him for long strolls? The answer is sadly, “No.”