After a suicide attempt as a teenager and a divorce that left her heartbroken but free, Chenoa Maxwell began a journey that would force her to face her soul’s truth and would ultimately gift her with the limitless life of her dreams. And now, she’s telling you how you can, too.
Many know Chenoa Maxwell as a television and movie star acting in hits such as Girlfriends, For Your Love, and Hav Plenty. This is how I too came to be acquainted with the beautiful talent. But it was when Chenoa showed her personal side as one of the stars of OWN’s Love in the City, a docu-series following four girlfriends as they experience the many shades of love in the Big Apple, that I found myself gravitating toward her positivity, effervescence, individuality, and willingness to truly put it all on the table to follow her truth and live an authentic life.
Today, Chenoa is still in the spotlight as a recognized authority in Emotional and Soul Intelligence.
Her company Live Limitlesslyhas helped thousands reach their full potential and live the life of their dreams through a unique set of proven tools and strategies she founded called “The Practice.” Courtesy of @chenoamaxwell
But it has taken quite a journey for Chenoa to find her true purpose and live a limitless life. From a suicide attemptthat began her journey as a self love specialist to her experience with choosing to be childless by choiceand that leading to a heartbreaking divorce, which ultimately birthed her into the life of her dreams, Chenoa shares all in the articles below. And now, in September and through October, Chenoa will be answering your questions about authenticity, living your best life, and transforming disappointment into the avenue to manifest the life of your dreams.
Head to @blacklovedocand join Chenoa weekly in the comments as she guides you in examining your life, desires, and true heart, and taking the action steps necessary to begin to live a limitless life.