Christmas December 2016 was supposed to be one of the best times of my life. It was going to be the first time that I was able to get my entire family together, ever. My mother, my father, my stepmother, my three children and their mates, my brother and his wife, and my partner and her father were all going to be at my home for the holidays.
The night before Christmas, my mother, brother, and I sat outside on the back patio to talk. It was tense. You see, my mother had always treated me differently than she treated my brother. She treated my brother like a king, but always made me feel unloved and unwanted. She never said it, but I always felt it, as did he.
This night, my brother prodded and poked her, asking why she had always treated me differently. Finally, she got fed up with his questioning, turned to face me with her arms folded, and said, “I don’t like you. I’ve never liked you. I haven’t liked you since the day you were born. Just deal with it!”
Her words cut deep, but at 47 year-old, at least I finally knew the truth.