With the return of “Black Love” on both OWN and the Black Love+ App on Saturday, July 23rd, we’re introducing the Black Love community to our Season 6 couples. Get caught up on every season of “Black Love” on the BL+ App right now.
Kier and Noèmie

Years married: 2
Residence: Baltimore, Maryland
What we love about them: Their consistent transparency and tools that help us all heal. After a viral video where Kier (aka our favorite online therapist constantly dropping gems) shared the importance of therapy before having children, the couple took the internet by storm causing us to all reimagine how we prepare for parenthood and marriage. Little did we know, Kier and Noèmie were never sure they wanted to get married, but when they had their first daughter, it emphasized their need to go to therapy and have a completely transparent relationship dynamic. This season of “Black Love,” we see how they got over the blocks they each had about marriage and vulnerability and how they arrived to happily married and on baby number two.