I NEVER wanted to be married. My parents divorced when I was 4-years-old, and although I grew up around amazing married couples, especially my loving grandparents, I did not feel like it was something I wanted for my life. I feared divorce before I allowed myself to enjoy the thought of marriage. I was apprehensive about having kids and putting a child through what I went through with my father’s absence post-divorce, and I made up my mind in college that I was NOT that girl who needed or desired a husband.
Flashback to 2005, after a couple of not-so-great relationships, I vowed to take time to myself and not date anyone. It felt great to be free of the bullshit. By the end of the year, I had more clarity on what I wanted for my future, and a boyfriend was not on my list. Being by myself would do me just fine! It was now 2006, and I received a Facebook message from a handsome guy named Clavon, also known as Clay, who attended Hampton University. My first thought, “Who is this dude hitting me up way out in Virginia?” My second thought, “Let me ask my cousin Rachel who also attends Hampton if she knows him.” Of course, she did, and she had nothing but great things to say about him, so I told myself, “I guess I’ll be nice”, and I went ahead and responded. I expected nothing from that convo, absolutely nothing, but after a few chats and a random meeting while he was on break in California, we had our first date.
I had barely got in the car before I let him know that I was not looking for a boyfriend, and this meetup was strictly for fun! He gave me a subtle laugh and replied with a simple “OK.” Little did I know that would be the start of the best relationship I could have asked for!