Our Story: Malaika & Justin
by Love Stories



September 5, 2018


2 Minute Read


Our Story: Malaika & Justin

You go from being single your whole life and then one day it all changes. Now you have a person who is literally apart of you. It changes every aspect of your life.

“Let’s talk growing pains!!!!! Many people don’t realize that going into a marriage you’re literally going from one extreme to the next. You go from being single your whole life and then one day it all changes. Now you have a person who is literally apart of you. It changes every aspect of your life. Think about it, we are two different individuals, We have different likes and dislikes, different things that irritate us, different desires, we come from different homes, upbringings, and backgrounds. All of these things shape who we are and our perceptions of life. Many of these things aren’t truly exposed while dating like they are in a marriage. We all want happy and healthy marriages and in order to truly have that it takes work.

You have a new responsibility to look in the mirror and how you contribute to your marriage and to learn to give your spouse what they need. We go into a marriage with our own list of expectations, but we have to be careful not to tear each other down when expectations aren’t met. Your spouses imperfections WILL SHOW. And there is a growing pain of learning to uplift and not tear down when those weaknesses or imperfections happen to be tied to an expectation that isn’t being met. We have to be careful about pointing out the others weaknesses, Instead we should help them navigate through them. Being a support to them with prayer, patience and compassion. There is no one else we’d rather go through this journey with. We’ve only been married for 3 months and we can literally write an entire book on what we’ve learned so far!! We realize that a healthy marriage requires growth and constant learning and we are cool with that!!”

Refelections by @malaika_chaney