Our Story: Brandy & Maurice
by Love Stories



October 26, 2018


3 Minute Read


Our Story: Brandy & Maurice

Our journey together started back in 2006. Back then, he was a collegiate athlete on the road to becoming a professional football player. Soon after dating we had our first daughter, and God didn’t see fit for him to go pro. We went through the motions together as he went through random jobs and growth changes as I did too. Life wasn’t easy as we parented young and never really discovered who we were as a couple.

Our Story: The Wells
The Wells

But our love for our daughter was unwavering and we pushed through with a common goal of making our family stable. We continued to push one another to returning back to school, dated over and over again, invested in learning how to love one another in the way we needed to be loved and continued to stay committed.

Now we stand with a testimony and accomplishment of being an attorney and therapist who are deeply in love and are each other’s biggest fans. It’s important for me to always remember where we started. Before the kids, before our careers, before the houses and joint bank accounts. But to remember the love that originated from doing better than what we had endured. Yes, our love started unstable, but it was that feeling of strife that made us persevere. Today, we continue to work to push past our fears with our common goal always staying aligned. We have now built a foundation that was purposely planted piece by piece with bricks. 5 1/2 years into this marriage, 3 daughters later and I wouldn’t change a thing. My husband has loved me through and through. There were times I didn’t believe and he carried us through. There were times I said forget it and he carried us through. Even at our lowest he carried us through. We kept our heads high, love on our side, and prayed up. We could have gave up when the fire was thick, but we knew once the fog cleared, favor would be on our side. Thank you Maurice for always carrying me, lifting me up, and loving me. I’ll see to it that we will always get through.

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her.

Reflections by @mymotherhoodmagic

Read more Black Love Stories.