Simple, Healthy Recipe to Try During Quarantine
by Malika Pham



April 14, 2020


2 Minute Read


Simple, Healthy Recipe to Try During Quarantine

Everything is different these days. Our day-to-day schedules and routines have changed in ways we never really imagined. That includes how we are shopping and what we are eating. If you didn’t already have a stash of grains or beans, I bet you do now. Here is a super simple (cause we all need simple and easy right now) lentil recipe that can be enjoyed in many ways and lasts for days! 


Photo courtesy of Malika Pham
Photo courtesy of Malika Pham

Soak your lentils ahead of time for about 6-8 hours, if possible. Remove the lentils, rinse, then add to a pot covered with about 4inches of water. Bring to a boil then simmer! Lentils only take about 15-20 mins to cook, so you definitely don’t want to overcook them. While your lentils are cooking, chop up your other ingredients. Be sure to try to keep the currants/raisins, onions, and herbs (parsley) around the same size.

The next step is to combine your ingredients for the dressing. I used 1/3 cup olive oil, juice of one lemon, one tablespoon of Dijon mustard, pepper, and celery salt. But if you want a little sweet, tangy taste, then add a spoon of honey.  

When the lentils are done, remove and rinse with cold water to stop them from cooking more. Mix in your dressing, raisins, onions, + herbs. Top it with cheese, serve it with pasta, mixed greens, or baked chicken. And Bon Appétit! This dish will last for a week in the fridge, and it is a healthy option that won’t have you regretting making multiple trips to the kitchen for a bite to eat every day. 

Related: Fuss-Free Healthy Recipes for the Whole Family


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