Soak your lentils ahead of time for about 6-8 hours, if possible. Remove the lentils, rinse, then add to a pot covered with about 4inches of water. Bring to a boil then simmer! Lentils only take about 15-20 mins to cook, so you definitely don’t want to overcook them. While your lentils are cooking, chop up your other ingredients. Be sure to try to keep the currants/raisins, onions, and herbs (parsley) around the same size.
The next step is to combine your ingredients for the dressing. I used 1/3 cup olive oil, juice of one lemon, one tablespoon of Dijon mustard, pepper, and celery salt. But if you want a little sweet, tangy taste, then add a spoon of honey.
When the lentils are done, remove and rinse with cold water to stop them from cooking more. Mix in your dressing, raisins, onions, + herbs. Top it with cheese, serve it with pasta, mixed greens, or baked chicken. And Bon Appétit! This dish will last for a week in the fridge, and it is a healthy option that won’t have you regretting making multiple trips to the kitchen for a bite to eat every day.
Related: Fuss-Free Healthy Recipes for the Whole Family
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