Leticia & Joe – Tuskegee University

HBCU Love Series

“My husband Joe and I met at Tuskegee University through Greek affiliation in 2011 — him being a Que and I am a Delta. He tried to talk to me at a party but I was in a relationship, so he tricked me into giving him my number by convincing me and my line sister to take a Que-Delta photo with him and insisting on needing my number to share the photo. That did not go anywhere, however, two years later I hit him up on a girls’ trip to his city of residence — Las Vegas. We began talking two months after that. I was in the military at the time, so we were in a long-distance relationship for three years. I relocated to Las Vegas in 2018, we had our first child in 2020 during the pandemic, and were married June 2021. We’ve also allowed each other to be individuals and were big on not forcing our relationship. We currently work together building our legacy.” -Leticia

Celebrate your legacy. Click here to check out the rest of the HBCU Love Stories, created in partnership with Target.

HBCU Love Series