
Sydney & Les – Hampton University

HBCU Love Series

“I knew Les was the one…30 years ago, we knew of each other, shared the same major, pledged Greek organizations, shared circles, crossed paths several times, yet never romantically connected. It wasn’t our time. In retrospect, we needed some life experiences, some wins and some setbacks coupled with an unbreakable HBCU-forever connectedness that would ultimately bring us together! After our first date, we discovered that we had similar values, standards, and life goals. We also uncovered that we had made similar poor choices and costly mistakes with prior mates. After just a few dates, we chose to “intentionally court.”Our HBCU experience taught us to set high standards of excellence in all that we do; we just had to translate that to include relationships. Our Hampton journey taught us discipline, sacrifice, and that there’s no limit to what we can accomplish. So, even though we endured bitter divorces and some financial struggles, we came through better and stronger. That was our foundation. At Hampton, we learned that strength came from struggle and determination had to exceed doubt. When our Hampton classmates found out we were dating, they began to rally around us, uplift us, believe in us and genuinely celebrate us. That’s the HBCU way! Our foundation, we know, was a strong factor in our start and is ultimately going to be the anchor in our very intentional journey. 11-11-21 is our wedding date!! We pray and thank God together every night for allowing our paths to cross again. Our union has inspired us to write a book about “Intentional Love At 50 & Beyond.” We are forever grateful to Hampton, our Home by The Sea, our amazing HBCU.” -Sydney

Celebrate your legacy. Click here to check out the rest of the HBCU Love Stories, created in partnership with Target.

HBCU Love Series