What is the Most Surprising Thing About Being a Parent?
by Black Love Team



November 2, 2018


5 Minute Read


What is the Most Surprising Thing About Being a Parent?

BlackLove.Com What’s the Most Surprising Thing About Being a Parent, courtesy of @brittfusilier
Courtesy of @brittfusilier

The baby’s arrived! Now what? No matter how many books you read, classes you take, or words of advice you get, can anyone ever be fully prepared for parenthood? Every family is different, shoot, every child is different. It’s inevitable to encounter a few surprises along the way as your family grows.  

With that in mind we asked you, our Black Love community, “What’s the most surprising thing about being a parent?” This is what you had to say.  We thank all who contributed your experience.

That as soon as [you] figure one stage out, everything changes, and you have to start all over again.

Constant worrying about the well-being of your child.

Courtesy of Instagram
Courtesy of Instagram

I was not prepared for the 2-year sleep regression. My baby was a 12-hour sleeper until then.

Learning how to communicate with children and teach them that they must respect you as their parent, but allow them to speak with views, opinions, and feelings.

That when you have multiple kids [at] various ages, you won’t ever be as hands-on as you were with the first… everybody has needs, and you’re only one person…also, asking for help is OK!

That what you imagined your kids to be may not be who they want to be, and that’s ok.

That whether you’re having your best day or your worst day, it only lasts 24 hours…and you start fresh tomorrow.

That whether you’re having your best day or your worst day, it only lasts 24 hours…and you start fresh tomorrow. @leave_it_to_brittni

The amount of love and pride you can feel for a life that you helped create. Their every accomplishment in life is an ego booster…from learning to walk, to getting a full ride scholarship to college. Even when you feel like you might not be doing it right, you realize that you did something right.

My daughter is 2 1/2 months [old] and I adore her. But no one prepares you for having preemie baby. Definitely different challenges at each stage. Oh, and the whole sleep when the baby sleeps? That’s a myth.

Courtesy @curlyindia
Courtesy @curlyindia

I wasn’t prepared for how miserable my body would feel after labor. Everyone talks about labor pain and how horrible it is. But I had my two children naturally (water births), and I’ll take that pain over the postpartum recovery. Plus, I didn’t expect the neglect my hubby would feel with me wanting to spend every freaking second, free time, and vacation with my kids. It took until my daughter was 2 and my son was 5 for me to realize I had to make a lot of quality time for my spouse and ensure I give him lots of attention and affection too. After all, that’s how we got the babies in the first place.

How to build self-esteem in our children at a VERY young age so they are ready to face the world, more specifically school, where they see and may encounter bullying; how to speak up for themselves; and how to be vocal about their needs. It starts in [the] toddler years.

Parenting will make you question everything you thought you knew


Parenting will make you question everything you thought you knew,like I know my child is wearing mismatched shoes with an orange bow that doesn’t match her outfit…but she is adamant about wearing it. Should I just let her be “creative” and express herself, or make her change and challenge her independence? Or take a who-cares-we’re-already-late approach…Is it that serious?!! Yes. It. Is. Daily. Somehow u find a happy median.

How each child can come out so differently wired…even with all other things being the same.