Today, we celebrate 29 years of marriage. What an awesome accomplishment, since we are constantly bombarded with statistics that tell us 50% of marriages end in divorce. And, while the other 50% “stay together,” we don’t know how many are living blissfully, simply co-existing, or singing Will and Jada’s mantra – we ride together, we die together, bad marriage for life. So, after 29 years of experiencing the inevitable ups and downs of marriage, here is what I know….
Marriage is love. Marriage is sappy Valentine’s Day cards. Marriage is great sex. Marriage is romantic vacations. Marriage is excitedly buying your first home and joyfully welcoming the birth of your children.
But, marriage is also a serious commitment; an almost daily decision sometimes. Marriage is work. Marriage is giving more than you want at times, and it’s definitely not 50/50. Marriage is restraint when you want to say something that will cut to the white meat and can only be healed with the mercurochrome of God’s tender mercy and grace. Did I say marriage is work?