A new year [generally] brings new possibilities, or so several of us believe. Truthfully, many opportunities are carried over from the prior year as unfinished business or unaccomplished goals. Still, with the advent of new beginnings, we are excited about a fresh start. We recalibrate, rethink, and retool ourselves for the 365-day project of becoming better and making it happen, contingent on a case-by-case basis. Yet, I wonder how many men, including myself, view the new year as a time to push the reset button on their role and responsibility as husbands.
Often, I hear men speak more about being present and active in the lives of their children and becoming more focused on achieving professional success. But rarely do I hear men approach the new year with a strong focus and vigor to be excellent in their marriages as husbands. In my estimation, I believe that a man can be a great father and still struggle to be a good husband.