Our Story: Frederick & Kaneisha
by Love Stories



March 6, 2020


3 Minute Read


Our Story: Frederick & Kaneisha

Courtesy of Cherry Masen Photography

“God’s favor is tried and true, and as long as we trust and believe in his word, we will walk into our destiny.” This statement is a true testimony to our relationship and an understanding of how two souls became one after many years. Our meeting was one that we will never forget. While in high school, we came across each other in the hallway with an instant attraction when our eyes locked. 

Through this interaction, we exchanged phone numbers and conversed about our aspirations and goals for the future. We spent hours well into the next day talking. It felt so natural and fluid. We grew very close to each other, revealing deep and emotional feelings, but we were still very immature and young. Frederick was a few years older and started college at Prairie View A&M University. 

This transition created distance and friction that could not sustain a healthy relationship. We faced many challenges, including a lack of communication and dishonesty. Two years after Frederick went to college, I enrolled at Prairie View A&M University as well. We tried to reconnect on campus, but the timing just didn’t work in our favor. So, we decided to give up on the idea of us being together and go our separate ways. 

Courtesy of Frederick & Kaneisha Larry

Once Frederick graduated, I transitioned into nursing school. We were still cordial then one night; he called to express his true feelings for me. He said that he knew we were destined to be together because, after all of these years, we seemed to gravitate back to one another. And for some reason, I felt the same way. We soon found ourselves rebuilding a relationship that we believed was tarnished long ago. 

We both realized that over the years, the relationships we were involved in on-campus allowed us to mature and develop into what we needed from each other. Frederick was able to provide all the things that I was longing for in a man. I remember vividly telling him that I prayed to God for a partner that would show me what love is and cherish me wholeheartedly because I didn’t have any examples of this or a prosperous marriage. Frederick, on the other hand, grew up in a home with a successful union, and his upbringing allowed me to witness true love and wedded bliss.

We made it our priority to know each other honestly and deeply, and on September 10, 2017, Frederick proposed in front of family and friends. With our relationship, we strive to embody that true love never fails. And also, the meaning of choosing to commit to one another despite any tribulations that may rock your relationship. We were engaged for 11 short months, and on August 5, 2018, we finally became #LarryAtLast.

Reflections by @kaneisha.larry