Mother is a title that encompasses many things. Moms are often in charge of child care, housekeeping, scheduling, cooking, pick-ups and drop-offs, decorating, emotional support and so much more — while also navigating their careers. The typical American mom is dealing with non-stop responsibility that can leave little room for anything else. Black mothers, in particular, are tasked with caregiving while also carrying the weight of misogynoir and deep-rooted fears for our children, who are often deemed a threat based on their skin color. And while caring for your family is a gift, the ladies of “The Mama’s Den” podcast want mothers to take some time to prioritize themselves.
That intentionality was evident at the Mamas’ pilates event where the energy was infectious and amazing as mothers from across the Los Angeles area focused on wellness. McReynolds, a professional hurdler and two-time USA Indoor Track and Field Championships top-three finisher, made sure to walk through all the moves with the moms, who used pilates reformers to get their workout in. The mothers were all smiles during the class, greeting one another with hugs and happiness.
The importance of spaces like these — that give Black mothers a chance to unwind, focus on themselves, commune with other Black women, and invest in their mental and physical health — cannot be understated. It’s rare that Black mothers get a chance to fill their own cup and the Mamas are committed to growing those spaces. An essential part of motherhood is sisterhood; uplifting each other and encouraging one another to devote a few moments per day to self-care.
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Speir Pilates co-owner Liz Polk created the studio with business partner Andrea Speir for events like the “Mama’s Den” class that emphasize community and wellness. “I committed to creating a space where you can get an incredible workout and feel like a VIP, in an inclusive, down-to-earth and supportive environment,” the entertainment attorney and mother of three told Creative Cultivate.
That supportive environment thrived at the “Mama’s Den” event with one mother commenting on Instagram, “This mom of four will definitely have to check this place out.” After the class, attendees received a gift bag, sponsored by AG1 by Athletic Greens, that included fun merch, delicious green juices, and more swag that the mamas can use to focus on wellness at home.
“I feel great,” one mom said after wrapping up her workout.
“Thank you to our Olympic pilates instructor [McReynolds]. We don’t have to be Olympic-level, praise the Lord,” Oliver joked to her fellow moms.
Motherhood is a beautiful, challenging, exhilarating journey. “The Mama’s Den” podcast is encouraging all Black mothers out there to relax, find their inner peace, and devote some time to their health and happiness. The stresses of life and caregiving will always be there, but you’ll be best equipped to handle it if you commit to prioritizing yourself. Check out a workout studio with friends, pray, journal, enjoy that cup of coffee solo, read a few pages of your favorite book, watch one episode of that show you’ve been planning to watch. Black mothers deserve a life filled with leisure and luxury. Why not start today?
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