8 Black Healthy Eats Chefs to Follow on Instagram
by Black Love Team



April 10, 2019


5 Minute Read


8 Black Healthy Eats Chefs to Follow on Instagram

We know, we know. Sometimes, when it comes to food, it can seem like the faster, or “fried”-er, the better.  Battered, smothered, oiled, and then chased down for days with some sweet tea can still feel like the soul food way to go.  But have you ever wondered where all the health-conscious Black chefs are that can still throw down?

Look no further!  Social media has blessed us with a whole new world of health-conscious eats to sink into. Below, BlackLove.com shares eight self-taught or trained Black chefs from around the world who are bringing healthy eating and living to Instagram for all of us to enjoy. From raw foods to vegan jerk chicken, there is something for everyone below, and if you’re lucky, you may even stumble upon some recipes!


Fabiola is a delightful Caribbean transplant to Chicago who follows a scrumptious plant-based lifestyle with her husband and baby daughter. Her Instagram is filled with colorful Buddha bowls, smoothies, and wide looks inside her fridge. Her goal is to share her journey and spread awareness of the wonderful palate of plant-based living.

8 Black Healthy Eats Chefs to Follow on Instagram
Instagram: @shinewithplants


Le (short for Leah) is a marathon-running, yoga-posing mama of three who mixes in a variety of fresh food options for her crew. From bacon wrapped asparagus to vegan chocolate chip cookies, you can find just about every type of healthy dish tried on her Instagram where she is sure to provide the recipe or a link on where to find it.

8 Black Healthy Eats Chefs to Follow on Instagram
Instagram: @fitfoodiele


Chef Ahkii is a motivational celebrity alkaline chef who is proud to call Atlanta her base. She is the author of Electric, a guide to Alkaline living which is a plant-based lifestyle. She is also a passionate advocate for estrogen-free diets and healing your fibrosis or endometriosis through food with her #hopebeyondfibroids group to help others stay on the path to heal, once and for all.

8 Black Healthy Eats Chefs to Follow on Instagram
Instagram: @chefahki


Kaluhi Adagala is a Kenyan, Kenya-based self-taught chef with a love for freshly made meals and delectable mocktails. Everything is made from scratch on her feed and I mean everything – mango tartar sauce, anyone? Her hope is to inspire kitchen confidence through laughs and learning on her site. Come for the healthy living, stay for the butternut pancakes and lemon poppy seed drop scones (recipes to match).

8 Black Healthy Eats Chefs to Follow on Instagram
Instagram: @kaluhiskitchen


Jenné Claiborne is a Georgia peach living in Los Angeles with an insatiable love of sweet potatoes. She originally hated veggies and rather stuffed herself with Kool-Aid and Chick-fil-A, but she became vegan due to her belief in animal rights and noticed amazing improvements in her health and wellbeing. Her Instagram is flourishing with fresh food, peeks at her family life, and photos of her growing baby belly.

8 Black Healthy Eats Chefs to Follow on Instagram
Instagram: @sweetpotatosoul


After getting a bit too heavy around the middle after Top Chef, Gregory Gourdet has changed course to living a healthier lifestyle. As a chef, (and a James Beard semifinalist, wow), his Instagram feed is filled with behind the scenes looks at his freshly sourced, Asian-inspired kitchen, Departure, with several shots of his running paths thrown in.

8 Black Healthy Eats Chefs to Follow on Instagram
Instagram: @gg30000


Though only 18 years old, Haile Thomas is an outspoken advocate of healthy plant-based eating and living and even has a partnership with Williams Sonoma to share her healthy vegan magic in the kitchen. Her Instagram feed caters to educating the young adult audience on healthy living, though any person can find wisdom and inspiration in her words on taking care of the environment while staying well-nourished yourself. Plus, her food photos are fabulous.

8 Black Healthy Eats Chefs to Follow on Instagram
Instagram: @hailethomas


British Instagrammer and YouTuber Rachel Ama is a self-professed KFC addict. She cut out dairy ten years ago due to serious digestive issues that could not be solved medically; after that, she looked into veganism and clicked with the lifestyle due to a lifelong love of animals. But that does not stop her from enjoying jerk ribs or chili pasta (both vegan) on occasion. Her Instagram is fun with a mix of colorful food options as well as a sprinkling of self care thoughts and dance moves.

8 Black Healthy Eats Chefs to Follow on Instagram
Instagram: @rachelama_