Black Love Summit

What is the Black Love Summit?

The Black Love Summit is an unparalleled live experience gathering Black singles and couples for transparent conversations about love, partnership, and community.

The creators of the Black Love docuseries, Tommy & Codie Elaine Oliver, bring some of your favorite couples from the series along with talent from the Black Love family directly to you so we can all learn from candid, honest experiences and improve all of the relationships in our lives.

We’re going virtual!

November 14-15th, 2020, Black Love’s annual marquee event is going virtual and will be available everywhere! Over TWO days, The Black Love Virtual Summit will present conversations about self love, dating & partnership, money, marriage, and keeping it sexy along with new virtually driven experiences!

Past Summits

For more information on the Summit — including ticket purchase, lineups, recaps from 2018 & 2019 and the latest  updates — view our official site for the BLACK LOVE VIRTUAL SUMMIT.