It is often assumed that, as fathers, what you’ll understand about parenting will come from your father. However, in comedian and actor Chris Spencer’s case, parenting his teenage son and daughter came from his mother and his wife Vanessa combined with his father (also pictured) and step-father. But interestingly enough, it was opening for comedians like Damon Wayans before Chris ever had kids that he realizes he was actually learning about fatherhood from them. “[Damon] would tell these incredible stories about his kids, and I would laugh, but now that I look back, I laugh differently, because…it’s like that happened to me, and that happened to me, and that happened to me.” Chris learned from stand up that parenthood, like performing, means sharing joy and pain at times.

Chris Spencer (Credit: Erik Umphrey)
Chris Spencer (Credit: Tommy Oliver)
Chris Spencer (Credit: Erik Umphrey)