Hand in hand, we start down the courtyard and I hear him say how fabulous not only tonight and our trip has been but the last 3 years and how he’d hoped that would continue. I replied “absolutely.” He then said something along the lines of “you promise.” The second it took for me to realize his response was odd, he was on bended knee, and that’s when I was on cloud nine. “…I have found the one whom my soul loves.” Song of Solomon 3:4
My proposal lasted 34 days!! In 2003, for Valentine’s Day, my now husband gave me a pink box called “the gift that keeps giving.” The box contained 34 white envelopes in which I was told I would open one per day and receive further instructions… It was amazing – every day, each envelope was a special gift like gift cards to my fav places, spa days, etc. Eventually I had an entire vacation wardrobe and a plane ticket to Las Vegas. The final envelope I couldn’t open until I was aboard the plane. Before I could open it, the pilot came on the speaker and directed everyone’s attention to our section. I was freaking out (in my mind 9/11 was still fresh) [and] didn’t notice my husband with the ring…
My fiancé, @canonshootr718, had me looking up restaurants in Houston because we live in two different cities. We picked one, and I called to make reservations. I picked him up from the airport. We went back home. I didn’t know this beforehand, but we waited on my kids to get home so that he could show them the ring and ask them if he could marry me as I got dressed. We then left for dinner [and] got to this very nice place, Morton’s Steakhouse. I took one look at the menu and wondered why we [were] here, and all he had to say was, “Babe, you deserve this and more.” He told me he had to go to the bathroom and was gone for a while, and I wasn’t sure if he was ok or ran out on me lol. We ate and talked and had drinks. I was full buzzed and ready to go, but the waitress asked if I wanted another drink. I said no, he said yes, and I just looked like why but was like ok. He asked me to turn and face him and asked how did I fell about us and our relationship. We talked, and I looked up and [saw] the waitress come out with a plate and lit candle. So I’m looking around to see whose birthday it was, and as they [were] getting closer, he said, “That leads me to my next question.” [I looked] back at him, and he said, “Will you marry me?” and the plate was hitting the table as he finished his sentence. My mouth dropped open, and the tears flowed because I was so not ready for him to ask me that. And the ring, OMG, I couldn’t stop looking at it. He said, “Well, will you?” and I said yes. October 26th 2019, and I can’t wait.