With the return of Black Love on OWN, Friday, May 14th, we’re introducing the Black Love community to the Season 5 couples.
Faith & Kenny
Kenny Lattimore & Faith Jenkins
Years married: 1
Residence: Los Angeles, CA
What we love about them: The WORK they put into their love and their marriage. Kenny says, “I spent a lot of time with mentors and I watched how they interacted with their wives and what sacrifice looked like…It’s just saying ‘I’m just not going to make me the number 1 priority right now.’ And Faith, as a successful 30-something woman looking for love, made a point to be as intentional about her dating as she was about her career goals. Don’t settle, set boundaries, and go into something eyes wide open. They’re both full of advice and we love them for it!
How to follow them:
Instagram:@kennylattimore @judgefaithjenkins
Memorable Black Love quote: “If you learn to serve, you’re not going to be disappointed if you believe that’s in the job description.” -Kenny