With the return of Black Love on OWN, Friday, May 14th, we’re introducing the Black Love community to the Season 5 couples.
Zena & Tank
Zena Foster & Tank Babbs
Years married: 2.5 (They’ve known each other 14 years!)
Residence: Los Angeles, CA
What we love about them: Tank & Zena knew each other for 14 years, dating off and on and even had two kids together before Tank proposed. He admits there was fear the “came from the fact that I’ve had a failed marriage. But I came from structure and stability and here I am the complete opposite. I wouldn’t have been able to honor this space properly, so there had to be a lot of growing.”
It’s the vulnerability for us!
How to follow them:
Instagram: @zenafoster @therealtank
Memorable Black Love quote: “There’s probably not a day that has gone by that I haven’t laughed. Even in mad moments, I’ve still laughed.” – Zena