I love being married, and I appreciate the stability of coming home to someone everyday that has willingly made a decision to do life with me no matter what.
At times, it’s mind-blowing and surreal when I think that just a few years ago we were both complete strangers. Yet, here we are today, married and forever etched together into a family tree that will live on for eternity. It’s a beautiful thing, but I’d be lying if I said that the transition from being single to married has been an easy one.
Prior to meeting my husband, I was doing pretty well by societal standards — a decent job, Master’s degree from a prestigious university, luxury vehicle, downtown apartment, your girl was good — lonely at times, but be it known, I was good! (Alexa, play Webbie ft. Lil’ Boosie “Independent”)
Thus far, the most challenging part of my transition from single to married life has been learning to relinquish the independence that I once prided myself on.