Since getting married (and being in this relationship in particular), I’ve learned that saying, “Well, this is just who I am,” is no longer acceptable justification for…anything. My wife and I have very different love languages and ways of communicating with one another. We both need very different things. She’s taught me what true compromise looks like. Because of her I refuse to go to bed angry. When I’m upset, I can easily go for long periods of time without speaking. She’s taught me that life is way too short to waste time being angry. I’ve never happily made so many compromises in my life. And I’m a better man for it. From Abenet (@justaba): I’ve learned that I can’t do it all by myself and it’s okay to lean on my husband for help.There was a period of time when I would make the bed by myself, and one day – I think I was in a rush or something, I asked Christopher to help me. It literally blew my mind because we did it so quickly and much faster than if I did it myself. Now we make the bed together; partly because we have the same schedule, and partly because it’s a small reminder of what we can accomplish together.
Reflections by Seth Brundle