10 Affirmations for 2022
by Asa Dugger



December 27, 2021


16 Minute Read


10 Affirmations for 2022

Asa Dugger
Courtesy of @iamasadugger/Instagram

It’s no secret that 2021 was lowkey like the terrible hangover of 2020. This year was also filled with political uproar, violence, economic uncertainties, and as the world slowly began to reopen, the fast pace of life began to pick up again. People from all walks of life felt the stressors of this year and for some, it was tolling and for others, it encouraged them to take their life by the horns to take control where it’s possible. 

According to the American Psychological Association, records show that Americans have emotions that have been prolonged and caused by stress more than ever. Some people are still grieving the loss of loved ones, dealing with health concerns, playing catch up on their finances after months of unemployment, and still working through the emotional turmoil caused by the pandemic. We all have our own perspective and experiences how of life has shifted since 2020 but as we prepare to go into 2022 still wearing masks, I shared a few things I refuse to mask as we go into the new year. Here are 10 affirmations for the new year I’m going into 2022 standing on and I encourage you as well. Let’s get into it! 

    1. I won’t allow circumstances to determine my happiness. Life is hard. There’s no blueprint of how you should do things and the truth is it can be exciting, fun, confusing, frustrating, exhilarating, tough- literally ALL THE ABOVE. I’ve decided to commit to embracing every moment because there’s an opportunity for growth and breakthrough even in our tough moments of life. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not subscribing to toxic positivity or proclaiming that hard times won’t come because they will. Instead, I’m saying it’s okay to feel unhappy emotions, it’s normal to have seasons of hardship, and most importantly, it’s okay to not be okay. Hardships, complex emotions, and joy can coexist. As I enter 2022, I am no longer allowing my circumstances to steer how I perceive, live, and respond to life. I believe 10% of life is what happens to us, and 90% of it is how we respond. With that being said, I will seek to find joy when I have the capacity and will actively pursue the things that pour into me even when all hell breaks loose. Happiness is conditional, joy is unconditional. We’re pursuing joy in 2022 and beyond.


    1. I won’t overextend myself. As an Enneagram 2, type-A person who is always concerned about people and their wellbeing, I sometimes overextend myself helping others and forget to help myself. If you’re like me, this leads us to burnout, being easily frustrated, and losing passion for things. As we go into 2022, I’ve decided I will prioritize myself before helping others. This looks like keeping my phone on “do not disturb,” prioritizing doctors visits, taking sick days even if I’m working from home, not working on the weekends if I have the opportunity to be offline, and making sure I get an ample amount of sleep instead of running on caffeine and fumes. I will not overextend myself in 2022 and beyond.

      Asa Dugger
      Courtesy of @iamasadugger/Instagram
    2. I will not go with the flow of life. In 2021, I was disappointed with the lack of resources available to myself, my family, and overall the Black community. I watched friends struggle with burying their loved ones due to lack of finances, and heard how people struggled to receive financial and healthcare assistance when they needed it most. This showed me the importance of planning, saving, and contingency plans. I realized there are some things in my personal life and in my family that need to be prioritized and planned. I’ve already scheduled a family meeting in 2022 to have hard conversations with my family so we can work together collectively to look into affordable life insurance policies, start an emergency fund, and plan to budget monthly. No more going with the flow of life and “crossing that bridge when we get there.”


    1. I will not get caught up “figuring it out on my own.” There’s power in partnership. Whenever I watch award shows I noticed that almost every celebrity who receives an award runs down a list of people they’re thankful for and shares how “I couldn’t have done this without xyz…” This reminds us that no matter how wealthy, famous, or influential you are you will always need help from others. In 2022, I’m no longer living a hyper-independent life where I try to figure everything out on my own. I will ask for help, feedback, and resources. Now, this doesn’t mean to be idle and ask people for handouts. Instead, it means to seek out resources and information by asking questions, spending time researching, and having vulnerable conversations about what you need, and asking people to point you in the right direction. I’ve already started by practicing this new rule that even if I assume the answer may be “no” I will still ask, and I’ve been amazed by the outcomes thus far.

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    1. I will be okay with simply being. This one right here. Social media has everybody thinking that they need to quit their job, start a business and make 6-figures by next week. This can be toxic because there’s pressure to “become” and no space to be. It’s okay if you don’t want to start a business or can’t right now. It’s okay if you’re not making 6-figures. It’s okay if you’re happy with your 9-5 and want to stay there. Don’t let social media pressure you to get caught up in making a living that you forget to live. Do what’s best for you. You might not be in a place to reach all of your life goals at this very moment, and that’s okay. It’s okay to be in a season of life where you simply show up and be with nothing more and nothing less to give. It’s okay to simply be.


    1. I will intentionally seek out and make time for the things/people that bring me joy. You would think that this is a no-brainer, but sometimes life gets the best of us and we deprioritize fun with the people we appreciate and love. In 2022, I’m making more time to go on excursions like wine tasting, hiking, horseback riding, etc. After spending a few days with friends in Houston in a beautiful luxury Airbnb, I realized how much I love spending quality time with my friends, going out and being under one roof. I believe leisure activities outside of our home help us ease stress, see life in a new perspective, and expand our capacity to refocus for the weeks ahead.


10 Affirmations for 2022
Courtesy of @iamasadugger/Instagram


    1. I will give myself credit. “Alexa, play the song ‘Alright’ by Ledisi.” Through therapy and meditation, I realized, I’m way too hard on myself, and based on the trending conversations on TikTok and Twitter, I’m not alone. There’s almost a whole generation out there that feels the same! In 2022, I am paying attention to the slow progress, small breakthroughs, and little miracles that come from me showing up even when I don’t feel like it. This practice helps us pay attention to the work we put in day-to-day to keep on keeping on.


    1. I will invest in myself. This is a big one for me right here because I’m always investing in others and encouraging people to invest in themselves. In 2022, I am going above and beyond when it comes to investing in myself. And, when I say invest I don’t just mean financially like doing the glamorous things like getting “pedicures and face masks.” I’m investing in my mental and emotional health by getting a life coach. I’m investing in my cognitive health by listening to podcasts and going to events that speak to the issues I’m actively working to overcome. I’m even going the extra mile to pay for comfort when necessary, whether if it’s to upgrade my seat when traveling for extra leg room or outsourcing to take items off my to-do list. Invest in yourself and expand your capacity.


    1. I will communicate when I’m not okay. Being that strong friend, cousin and daughter are exhausting. I’m no longer masking how I feel. I’ve been challenging myself to not mask how I’m feeling on days when I’m not feeling so great regardless of who I’m speaking to. I used to make it seem like I’m great 100% of the time because I didn’t want to come off as “bad energy” or not being a “team player” but spare me. I realized when you’re honest with others, it helps you become more honest with yourself with where you are and what you have to give in that moment. Being transparent also creates opportunity for people to show up for you when you can’t show up for yourself. One day in between a busy day of meetings, I called my boyfriend (who’s based on the East Coast 3 hours ahead) and I briefly told him I was grateful but overwhelmed. My social battery was dying and I still needed to run errands to grab some things for my apartment. He asked me “what did you need from Target, could it wait until another day?” I went on to rant about the things I needed and how I didn’t want to push it to another day. Y’all don’t you know, after my last meeting of the day I received an unexpected knock at my door and it was a Target delivery of everything I needed! He was so strategic and kind with doing a gesture for me so I had extra time to rest and wind down that night instead of being in traffic and in lines at Target. I wouldn’t have been able to receive that blessing if I lacked transparency in our conversation. All this to say, the next time someone asks you, “how are you?” and you’re not doing so great, keep it real by responding “I’m doing alright, but I could be better.” And when someone asks how they can help you, actually respond with a way that they can show up for you. You’ll thank them and yourself later.


  1. I will prioritize being present. Last but not least, in 2022 I will be present. Let’s put our phones down and get back to the essence and beauty of living in real-time. We can of course enjoy our time scrolling on social media, and interacting with our extended friends and family but let’s really buckle down on our screentime. I’ve already started this by recording IG stories when I’m out and saving them to my camera roll to post and edit later rather than in that moment. I’ve also done this by deciding before I go out if I want to capture content that night or just be present. This helps me set the expectation for myself to know when or when not to have my phone out.


10 Affirmations for 2022
Courtesy of @iamasadugger/Instagram

As we come to a close, I’m realizing that as I grow older, I’m learning that there’s power in having a wellness routine, being real with yourself and others while also going after what you need to live a fruitful life. With December flying by, let’s commit to taking this new year by storm. Take these 10 affirmations and go into the year prioritizing yourself and your needs before trying to help everyone else. Here’s to a year of joy, rest, breakthrough, and liberty!