Name a Better Duo?! Movies We Love in Honor of Friendship Day
by Yasmine Jameelah



August 1, 2021


6 Minute Read


Name a Better Duo?! Movies We Love in Honor of Friendship Day

Photographer Christian Adkins
Photographer Christian Adkins

When the phrase name a better duo was coined, I’d like to think of some of these fan favorites. Our prized films would be nothing without these character roles, and their display of genuine love and friendship shared on-screen. If you’re missing your BFF during (or if like some of these characters you’ve married them) cuddle up on the couch and watch one of these films to celebrate Friendship Day.

Mike and Marcus (Bad Boys)

In the action-packed movie franchise, Bad Boys Martin Lawrence and Will Smith’s characters are not just detectives working together on a task force; they’re friends who show up for each other both inside and outside of the precinct. None of us will ever forget the infamous scene in Bad Boys II, where Marcus’s daughter Megan goes on her first date, and Marcus and Mike read her boyfriend Reggie the riot act.

Name a Better Duo?! Movies We Love in Honor of Friendship Day
Courtesy of

Derrick, Terry, Jackson, and Brian (The Brothers)

While they’re not a duo, The Brothers is a classic rom-com full of Black joy moments. Despite their busy lives filled with children, marriage, work, and every-day troubles, the squad makes time for weekly basketball sessions, meetups at the club, and to celebrate momentous occasions together. If you’re looking for a movie where you need a laugh and a reminder of the importance of Black men navigating friendships and growth, this is definitely for you. 

William and Montana (Baggage Claim)

Paula Patton and Derrick Luke’s characters in the film Baggage Claim have been friends their entire lives. But they soon realize after years of dead-end relationships for the both of them (and months of Montana trying to rekindle with her exes to have a date for her sister’s wedding) they’ve been right for each other all along. It seems the long-term effects of happiness, emotional wellness, and connectedness are just a few of the elements to sparking up a romance with your BFF. According to a study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research, “well-being effects of marriage are about twice as large for those whose spouse is also their best friend.” So this film answers the question of whether or not you should consider making it official with your closest confidant. Related Articles:
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Dre and Sidney (Brown Sugar)

I think Brown Sugar will go down in history as the best love movie of all time, but I’m biased. Where else can you get Brooklyn, hip-hop history, and Black love wrapped into one film? Watching the evolution of these childhood best friends as they leave corporate America, pursue entrepreneurial endeavors, and navigate their journeys in both life and love is a must-see! 

Name a Better Duo?! Movies We Love in Honor of Friendship Day
Courtesy of Nyja Richardson Photography

Lisa, Ryan, Sasha, and Dina (Girls Trip)

The release of Girls Trip in 2017 made every Black woman want to travel and attend Essence Fest. It also reminded us about treasuring the lifelong friendships we forge in college. Seeing the “Flossy Posse” encourage each other as they rekindle their sisterhood, and reconnect with their inner strengths while enjoying a weekend getaway in NOLA filled with fearless-daring adventures is worth a watch! 

Nisi and Mickey (B.A.P.S.)

Nisi and Mickey have big dreams in the movie B.A.P.S., and they are not afraid to go after them. Even if it means leaving everything they’ve ever known behind in Atlanta, to start over in Beverly Hills. On the road to riches, this comedy starring Halle Berry and Natalie Desselle Reid is a reminder of friendship’s true value by sticking together through thick and thin. 

Bernadine, Gloria, Robin, and Savannah (Waiting to Exhale)

This 1995 film is a testament to the essence and the important role of positive friendships for Black women. As Bernadine, Gloria, Robin, and Savannah perverse through nasty divorces, job transitions, sexcapades, and a host of other turning points, this friend group holds each other down. Providing lessons on love, loss, heartbreak, and perseverance, if you or your bestie are going through a hard time, this movie is the perfect reminder of the ability to maneuver all of life’s joys and woes, with your girls right by your side.