Even as I grew older, not having kids was the through line constant for me. Listening to girlfriends speak about their dreams of motherhood and parenting, it just never resonated with me in my heart and soul. I thought, maybe it is a process. Maybe it is about growing into love and partnership or the “click-in” to the mother gene. Whatever the “click-in” was, it never happened for me. My life without a child, or the desire to want children, manifested through a soul-defining journey.
As an emotional intelligence expert, I’ve learned that it’s all about listening, tracing actions to results, and reconciling that result. Do you have a good life result or a bad life result? The key for good results is to create intentions that are in line with your true heart, and then connect them to your brain. Those intentions then drive actions to achieve those results.
This is universal in every instance of life –– business, family, friendships, love, relationships, and parenthood. The measure of those actions is subjectively categorized as successful or not, good result or bad result. Sounds simple and formulaic, right? Absolutely…not. If it were that mathematic you would be living a utopian life, and the world would be free from a litany of crap.
You see, there is a little thing called authenticity, and that actually plays the major role in the outcome of every single moment and action in your life.