For the Brothers: Mental Health Communities Black Men Should Follow
by Briana Gabrielle



May 23, 2023


10 Minute Read


For the Brothers: Mental Health Communities Black Men Should Follow

Black men tap in! It’s amazing to see that the Black community is making it less taboo to speak about mental health topics. But what we don’t see often is the mental health of Black men being discussed. Black men’s mental health matters too. And even though many people in the black community are speaking up about mental health, the statistics, specifically on black men seeking treatment, are less than desirable. The American Psychological Association reported that “only 26.4% of Black and Hispanic men ages 18 to 44 who experienced daily feelings of anxiety or depression were likely to have used mental health services, compared with 45.4% of non-Hispanic White men with the same feelings.”

As a community, we have some work to do when it comes to seeking help if we need to and developing mental wellness practices overall. This is especially true for Black men; and although it’s not discussed enough, we’ve compiled a list of some online communities that can provide resources and act as a safe haven for discussions on Black men’s mental health.

Black Men Heal/@blackmenheal

Black Men Heal is a nonprofit that provides free and quality access to mental health treatment, education, and resources to men of color who may be unable to get the help they need. You can also find transparent content on various mental health topics on their social media, which can provide a healing environment. If you are thinking that therapy may be a good choice for you or you’re just curious about it, this account has so many videos where black men share their own experiences with therapy. They’re open and honest about how therapy has been a space for them to express themselves without judgment.


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A post shared by Black Men Heal (@blackmenheal) Related Articles:
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“Man to Man Podcast: A Wellness Series”

Black Love’sMan to Man” podcast covers healing, wellness, and mental health. Each week topics change but each episode will center around Black men and will allow you to hear insight from other successful black men who lead with honesty and vulnerability. It is so rare to hear black men discuss their emotions. Black men are constantly told to be strong and phrases like “be a man” are so harmful because it equates manhood to how much you can take without breaking. But I think the best thing that you can do is take care of yourself and that includes your mental wellbeing. The “Man to Man” podcast is a great place to listen to black men express themselves and work through those difficult emotions. 


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Black Mental Health Alliance/@bmhofficial

The Black Mental Health Alliance is an online community dedicated to providing mental health content to the Black community. They are a great space that provides resources for learning, healing, and support. No one should have to feel like they’re on their own when it comes to healing. It’s so important to have a space of like-minded individuals coming together to heal and grow, and the Black Mental Health Alliance is a good place to check out on your mental wellness journey. 

Jarred Denzel/@jarred.denzel 

Jarred is a mental health advocate that regularly posts videos discussing the tough topics for black men. Jarred has curated an online space where he champions men getting the mental healthcare they need and posts his own personal struggles and how he’s overcome them. Jarred exudes an animated and personable vibe that can make him feel like he’s your own personal hype man. He has truly cultivated his social media presence in an authentic and fun way that can provide a space for healing.   


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Therapy for Black Men/@therapyforblckmen 

Therapy for Black Men provides numerous helpful mental health resources curated to the black male audience. If you go to their website, they can help you find a therapist, coach, and even financial assistance for therapy. Deciding if you want to take on therapy as a step in your mental health journey is a very personal one. Oftentimes, it can feel easier to open up to someone with a similar background and Therapy for Black Men can be the resource you use to find the right therapist for you. 

Men to Heal/@men_to_heal

James Harris is the founder of Men to Heal, and he has a master’s degree in mental health counseling. Prior to his current path, he was a former army veteran who deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and after serving, he sought out therapy. He found the experience not engaging because the therapists available were white men who could not understand his experience in the world. This ultimately lead him to create Men to Heal. Men to Heal brings awareness to the stigma surrounding the mental health of men and underserved populations. The Men to Heal movement encourages men to pay attention to their overall wellness (physical, mental and emotional) and gain a deeper understanding of themselves. 

The Black Therapist/@theblack_therapist

Aaron is a licensed therapist who posts informative mental health content in an easily digestible way. He truly advocates for black men seeking support and he is open and honest about mental health issues. Black therapists only make up about 3% of the psychology workforce, and finding a black male therapist is even more rare since the psychology field tends to have a higher percentage of women. Let’s celebrate the Black men who are working to change that narrative!


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Kier Gaines/@kiergaines 

Kier Gaines is a mental health advocate and licensed therapist that shares short videos featuring wellness tips. You can find him talking about anything from finding your balance to forgiveness and parenthood. Gaines frequently shares his personal mental health journey on social media, and every month he shares a new affirmation with his followers to provide motivation and positive vibes.

Express Yourself Black Man/@expressyourselfblackman

Express Yourself Black Man is a healing community for black men to express themselves in a healthy way. The platform provides Black men with access to therapists and other mental health resources. You’ll find various content centered on mental health, relationships, and  personal development.  In addition to their social media content, the creators founded an app called Safe Haven which is a holistic healing platform. It’s basically a free one-stop shop for all your mental health needs which ranges from educational content to providing a medical concierge service that schedules doctor’s appointments.