Happy Pride! These Queer Black Fathers Are Making a Difference
by Yasmine Jameelah



June 7, 2023


3 Minute Read


Happy Pride! These Queer Black Fathers Are Making a Difference

man holding gay pride flag
credit: iStock

Happy Pride, Black love fam! LGBTQIA+ Pride Month is dedicated to the celebration and commemoration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride. How did pride begin?

A Library of Congress report shows that on June 28, 1970, on the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, the first Pride marches were held in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Thousands of LGBTQIA+ people gathered to commemorate Stonewall and demonstrate for equal rights. The events of Stonewall and the liberation movements that followed were a direct result of prior decades of LGBTQIA+ activism and organizing. Since that day, Pride Month has spread outside of the United States, as it should! As a community, we are not only in solidarity of Pride Month as allies, but we’re also holding space for those who’ve come out to their families and been ridiculed, displaced, and left to feel unloved.

BlackLove.com Related Articles:
Parenting From a Healed Place: Loving Your Queer Children Unconditionally
What Living Out Loud Taught Me About Self Love and Heritage
6 Things I Wish You Knew About Standing Up for the LGBTQ People in Your Life

As we raise awareness this month, we’re also honoring the queer Black folk in our community who are spreading positivity on social media and in celebration of Pride Month and Father’s Day just around the corner— We wanted to show some love to our FAVE Black Queer Dads on the internet! Pride month, fathers day, and Juneteenth sit at this beautiful intentional intersection, and we’re honoring that!

P.S. haters, please step aside… Black Love is a safe space for LOVE and LOVE ONLY. Give these Dads a follow and let them know you see them!

Drop some “🌈”s in the comments to show your support! 👇🏿👇🏾👇🏽



Courtesy of d.concierge/Instagram














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