What I Learned From All Things Money, “Financial Freedom” (VIDEO)
by Black Love Team



February 18, 2019


4 Minute Read


What I Learned From All Things Money, “Financial Freedom” (VIDEO)

No matter your paycheck, you can still contribute to the financial legacy of yourself and your family. BlackLove.com Financial Expert Tonya Rapley tells us exactly how.

Financial freedom. Goodness, that is the Holy Grail, isn’t it? The pot of gold at the end of that rainbow. But how do you make a goal out of a dream? Especially with money, a subject that can be unexpectedly overwhelming when the goal seems so far from the starting point. Well, Tanya Rapley addresses just that in the “Financial Freedom” episode of All Things Money on BlackLove.com.

In this episode, Tanya explains building a financial legacy and understanding what financial freedom means to you. Not to Tanya, your hair stylist, or Mrs. Jones across the street — you. The exciting part is, no matter no matter the size of your current paycheck, you can still contribute to building your financial freedom or the financial freedom of the next generation; it is all in the planning.

No matter the size of your current paycheck, you can still contribute to building your financial freedom or the financial freedom of the next generation; it is all in the planning.

Tanya defines financial success as “doing what you said you would do with your money.” In this regard, she mentions that small habits add up to big changes. But, in getting started, you need to understand where you are financially in order to go places. Kind of like, it would be difficult to get from Texas to California if you are sitting in Michigan right now, but didn’t know it.  But, if you knew you were sitting in Michigan, it would become exponentially easier to get to Texas, then California. And, you may even be able to find a more direct route.

She lists several topics to work on in order to build a strong financial foundation moving into the future. Though, she does mention that addressing each topic will be different for everyone depending on their current financial situation. Which is why you need to know where you are in order to know where you are going.

As a person creating a start-up company at home, I definitely took several tips from Tanya that I need to address in my family. For one, it is important for my family to look at our financial situation in order to plan a roadmap to financial freedom in the future, and not that disappearing rainbow kind either. We need to look at our assets, our liabilities, and prioritize saving and investing in what is important to us.


We need to look at our assets, our liabilities, and prioritize saving and investing in what is important to us.

In watching “Financial Freedom”, I learned that, though I do dream big, it’s okay to make my increment goals small. And after going through these steps, my goal at the end of the year is to share a toast with my boo to being more financially secure at the end of 2019 than we were at the beginning.