#BlackBusinessMonth: Meet the Influencer Who Turned Her Husband’s Childhood Home Into a Wedding Venue
by Yasmine Jameelah



August 4, 2023


13 Minute Read


#BlackBusinessMonth: Meet the Influencer Who Turned Her Husband’s Childhood Home Into a Wedding Venue

Marche Robinson and her husband, Michael Newel.
Marche Robinson and her husband, Michael Newell.

Attorney and influencer Marche Robinson has taken over TikTok and Instagram with her videos that average millions of views across social media platforms. With just 30-second clips, she manages to share glimpses into her daily life, balancing work, her fashion blog The Robison Style, and marriage to her husband, Michael Newell. 

On paper (and after getting to know the couple for an hour), it’s clear that Michael and Marche are meant for each other. They’re both attorneys raised in the same town with aligned family values and a passion for entrepreneurship. Michael owns several restaurants, and together, they’re working on two new businesses together — a wedding venue and Marche’s haircare line. With many shared interests, mutual friends, and a spot on reading from a physic that told Marche her husband was a man she’d known all her life, how could they not end up together, right? According to them, had they not reconnected at a wedding that they both crashed last minute, their wedding day might not have happened at all.

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“We’ve known each other since we were twelve years old, but after high school, we didn’t see each other for quite some time,” Marche says. “After law school, we continued to cross paths many times over the years, but nothing came of it. Our first step to reconnection was in 2012 when I moved to Raleigh for work, and who do I see walking through my complex with his dog, Michael!” Despite living in the same apartment complex, four years would pass before they would talk in detail, and finally, in 2016, it happened at a wedding neither of them wanted to go to. “I didn’t have an outfit, and I like to plan.” The influencer shared, which is no surprise as her blog The Robinson Style is filled with Marche’s fashion, beauty, and vacation picks. “Neither one of us have the type of personality where we just show up; we’re planners, so the fact that we both ended up there, it was meant to happen. We sat together, and we talked all night long.” Her husband Michael, who you can often see in her Instagram Reels/TikTok videos, says despite he always liked Marche. 

“When we met, she was the cool new girl, and she was always nice, but I didn’t think she liked me, so I never embarrassed myself by asking her out until we reconnected and I was certain that there was a connection because initially, I wasn’t sure if she was just happy to see a childhood friend.” Michael shared. Once they reconnected, the couple says they went full speed ahead with not just dating but being honest with one another about where they were in their lives, particularly for Michael, as he had just opened a restaurant and was extremely busy. 

While you two both knew that there was a connection between you after the wedding, how did you solidify those feelings to one another and balance your busy lives?

Meet the Influencer Who Turned Her Husband’s Childhood Home Into a Wedding Venue
Courtesy of Marche and Michael

Marche: I will say the times we hung out were huge sacrifices of Micahel’s time. I remember a Friendsgiving that I wanted him to come to, realizing later how far he had to drive just to see me. He’d leave his family functions early just to see me, or he’d bring his work with him to my house and just watch tv with me while he stayed up and got his job done. 

Michael: From the time we started dating, I always had a lot going on. When you’re starting something new, it takes a lot of time, and Marche was always supportive. Most of our recent projects are things that we do together, and both of our parents showed us an entrepreneurial spirit and encouraged us to be our own bosses, but it was difficult initially. Now we talk about every piece of it together and support each other along the way. 

What does quality time look like for you two? 

Marche: We have a lot of the same friends, so we spend a lot of time together with them and our families because everyone gets along really well. Additionally, we value any kind of togetherness that we get to have. I know some couples might feel like, well, we aren’t spending time because we aren’t at a candlelight dinner. But for us, just riding to client meetings together is time, and we’re excited to talk about our passions together because we both love what we do. That time together, to me, is just as important as our date nights. 

Your Reels are not only hilarious, but they’re relatable. Were you nervous when you first started filming together?

Marche: TikTok helped me get comfortable talking to the camera because I didn’t do it for a while, so by the time reels rolled out, I was able to create similar content across platforms. And with dance, I love to dance, and he and I would just already be in the garage working out. Michael is always down for any reel idea that I have; he never says no, and anyone who knows us in real life will tell you we love to have a good time; this is us even when we aren’t filming content. 


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Michael: I see a lot of the comments that say things like “I can’t believe that you got your husband to do this,” but Marche and I are naturally very playful; we love to laugh and have a good time. I support her in everything she does, and most days, even when we record videos, I’m in my work clothes because I’m coming home from the office, and she has a plan set for our videos, and I jump in and do my part. Marche is dedicated to quality content, and she never worries about what content is the most flattering; she’s always focused on the content itself. So for me, I feel like if she can be that dedicated to her content, if I have to do something silly to help her vision come to life, then that’s what I’m going to do. It’s all about checking your ego and being a supportive partner. Even if that means getting your head slammed in the fridge for a video, I’m happy to do it lol.

It’s Black Business Month, so tell me about the Newell House and what made you decide to turn Michael’s childhood home into a wedding venue?

Meet the Influencer Who Turned Her Husband’s Childhood Home Into a Wedding Venue
The Newell House in Pleasant Garden, North Carolina (Courtesy of thenewell.house)

Marche: When we got married, I wanted to have a Black Black Blackity Black wedding, but it was so difficult finding Black wedding vendors and finding a Black-owned wedding venue because we wanted to get married in a house. There are so many missed opportunities for Black people in the wedding industry with venues as well as finding vendors. That’s why I feel like it’s up to us to give each other our first chance to build our portfolios. Our wedding florist, videographer, and photographer were all friends of ours, and now when we open our venue, we’ll have an in-house florist and a diverse vendor list. 

Michael: On the family end, there was so much love in my house growing up, so to see it not have that legacy was hurting my heart, and I know it was hurting Marche as well. Especially as we started to look for homes for our wedding, I asked myself if they can use their house as a venue, why can’t I use mine? I know it can be hard as a business owner to bring ideas to life, especially when imposter syndrome starts to permeate your thoughts, but the feeling that I am going to miss out on this opportunity is always stronger than the doubt, and we got for it, especially now that we are together. Without Marche, so many aspects of the venue would not have come to life; from design to social media, the venue wouldn’t have been successful. 

What advice would you give to anyone who’s afraid of being vulnerable and open to love?

Marche: I would say don’t hold back. There were times where Michael was busy with the restaurant, and I didn’t know, but I wasn’t afraid to put myself out there and ask him to hang out. So many people miss opportunities because we project and think that people should act the way we want them to, and we miss out. I’ve had bad relationships in the past, and I could of let it change who I was, but I didn’t. Know who you are, work on yourself, and remember that you don’t have to change who you are for anyone. 

Michael: I know many people struggle with vulnerability, but when you aren’t vulnerable, you sabotage the relationship from the start. I’m a relationship kind of guy, and it was important to be true to myself and be vulnerable. But you can be vulnerable and still have the boundaries that you need for yourself to feel comfortable. And remember that you are worthy of being in a good relationship just as you are. 

This interview has been edited for length and clarity. To learn more about Marche and Michael, follow @marcherobinson and @thenewellhouse.