Self-Care vs. Soul-Care: Understanding Their Significance and Differences
by Asa Dugger



February 16, 2022


8 Minute Read


Self-Care vs. Soul-Care: Understanding Their Significance and Differences

Courtesy of @ iamasadugger/Instagram

TikTok has everybody and their momma doing a self-care routine, and honestly, I’m here for it, haha! Self-care has become the hot topic and a burning social media trend that everybody is tapping into. Although, I myself love self-care and the quirky routines online I found myself getting too hyped about self-care and almost forgetting the importance of self-care. This article outlines the benefits, similarities, and differences between self-care and soul-care which we all need to know and understand. Burnout is at an all-time high so we can’t get too caught up in the aesthetics of self-care and forget that we also need soul-care!

You’re probably asking yourself, “girl, well what’s the difference?” Self-care is when you prioritize, and practice routines that replenish and restore yourself physically and externally whereas soul-care is when one prioritizes their mind and spirit while tapping into resources, routines, and rituals that help them maintain emotional and spiritual wellness internally. Personally, I believe both are mutually beneficial and one won’t be as effective without another. I see both as a recipe that cooks up a healthy, balanced life and mind. 

“You can’t pour from an empty cup” or “Be still and know” are all the things we’ve heard to prioritize ourselves in this busy thing called life. But seriously, self-care and soul-care are essential because the truth is we can’t help others unless we help ourselves first. 

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Have you ever been on a plane ride and before you take off the flight attendants do the demonstration of how to put an air mask on in case of an emergency? They always emphasize that you must put your mask on first, before helping the person next to you. Well, it’s the same for self and soul-care!

Being partially raised by a grandmother who raised the majority of her grandkids, involved in the community, and always giving I too learned to have a big heart of compassion. But it wasn’t until my adult years that I needed to learn that prioritizing your own needs will enhance your quality of life and give you more capacity to do the same for others. 

Not only is self-care and soul-care essential, but it’s something that every human deserves. Self-care and soul-care don’t always need to be luxurious and Instagram-able. Self and soul-care will look different for everyone depending on their wants, needs, and creativity. Here are my top 5 self-care and 5 soul-care habits that help me live the life I prayed for:

My Top 5 Self-Care Habits:

  • Take 1 bath at least once a week with Epsom salt. 
    This helps slow me down and prioritize being still while getting some aqua therapy at home. Water helps ease and relax my muscles especially when I add Epsom to help detoxify my skin!

    Courtesy of @ iamasadugger/Instagram
  • Drink ginger tea and take my vitamins in the morning. 
    Ginger tea in the morning helps me with my sinuses and gives me that jump-start I need to start my day. My vitamins also help me get the nutrients and supplements I need to on my p’s and q’s! 
  • Clean my workspace, living area, and kitchen to reset before starting or ending my day.
    I live by the rule of thumb that a clean space, promotes a clean, open mind!
  • Turn off social media notifications.
    This helps me decrease my screen time
  • Exercise, stretch, or go for a walk.
    Movement produces healing and progress. This helps me get my blood flow and muscles moving so I feel good. If you work from home, I suggest looking up stretches online to help stretch your hands, neck, and back. You can also find ways to increase your movement while working from home online.

    Courtesy of @ iamasadugger/Instagram

My Top 5 Soul-Care Habits:

  • Prayer and devotion are at the top of my day.
    Depending on your spiritual beliefs you may have a routine that helps keep you grounded. I prioritize 10mins of prayer, 10 mins of devotion, and 10 mins of worship music to get my mind right to start and end my day.
  • Attend therapy, small group, and/or life coaching.
    Despite the digital times, we’re in I find refuge in wise counsel and conversation that confirms and corrects me.

    Courtesy of @ iamasadugger/Instagram
  • Listen to focus music or ocean sounds while journaling.
    If you don’t already, you can download the “ABIDE” app to gain access to guided meditations, calming music, and prayers to help you unwind. 
  • Reading articles and watching content on emotional wellness.
    I believe the more content and resources you consume on emotional wellness the easier it is to make it a part of your everyday life. Healthline.com and books like “The Body Keep’s Score” help me understand and apply the necessary practices to help me become a better me.
  • Cry or laugh, both release endorphins.
    Endorphins are hormones that are natural pain killers that make us feel good. I encourage you to do healthy activities like watching a funny movie, working out, or crying your frustration out to make you release these hormones to feel rejuvenated. 
  • Courtesy of @ iamasadugger/Instagram

All in all, soul-care and self-care are not the same. I hope this article encourages you to prioritize both and make them a part of your daily lifestyle. It’s not always easy but Maya Angelou even said, We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” Let’s begin to delight more in the process of becoming while prioritizing ourselves.