Top Tips for Singlepreneurs From ‘Love Is Blind’ Cast Member Lillie Mae
by Lillie Mae



August 6, 2020


8 Minute Read


Top Tips for Singlepreneurs From ‘Love Is Blind’ Cast Member Lillie Mae

Top Tips for Singlepreneurs From 'Love Is Blind' Cast Member Lillie Mae
Lillie Mae and the “Love is Blind” cast at the finale viewing party in Atlanta. (Photo courtesy of Lillie Mae)

As a cast member of the Emmy-nominated Netflix show “Love Is Blind,” I was among 30 singles who embarked on a unique journey to discover if love could emerge between two people without ever seeing each other. 

Separated from the distraction of work, social media, and cell phones, we spent time in living-room-style pods, having endless conversations with different suitors. I now joke that we were in quarantine before the world was! As CEO of the Lillie Mae PR Agency and Glambitious Brand, I welcomed the break from my entrepreneurial obligations to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime love experiment. Although I didn’t encounter romantic love on the show, I made many great friends and then returned to business as usual.

Managing a business while dating has always had a unique set of challenges, however being a single business owner during a worldwide pandemic is unlike anything I could’ve ever imagined. Despite the many differences that separate humanity, it’s fair to say that everyone has felt the substantial energy of this uncertain time. 

For single entrepreneurs, we have had to shoulder the weight of sustaining an entire business during an economic and health crisis, while dwelling in isolation for months on end without the buffer of partnership. No matter how self-motivated or content a person was before 2020, this year has been the ultimate arch-nemesis to inner peace. Remember that “now is not your forever “it is just a season! Here are a few tips to help you navigate the present moment with more ease and patience if you need ways to cope. 

Build Your Mental Strength

It is more imperative now than ever to actively enhance your mental fortitude through a daily empowerment routine that incorporates spiritual practices. Peace is a state of mind, and our actions are either feeding that peace or feeding anxiety. I suggest finding a motivational podcast, ministry, or listen to uplifting music that you resonate with throughout the day. It’s also helpful to schedule morning and afternoon prayers or meditations to silence your mind for a break from processing thoughts. 

Become more mindful of your discussions with friends and family to redirect any ‘doom and gloom’ conversations to a more positive space. Daily journaling is also a great way to exercise the mind, process emotions, and self-reflect. By engaging in a more consistent regimen that contributes to our mental wellness, we give ourselves a greater capacity to effectively handle new challenges in our business and personal lives. Last but not least, consider talking to a therapist even if you feel perfectly okay on the surface, to unpack anything lingering in your subconscious. Related Articles:
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Lillie Mae at a "Love is Blind" cast event (Photo courtesy of Lillie Mae)
Lillie Mae at a “Love is Blind” cast event (Photo courtesy of Lillie Mae)

Commit to a Wellness Journey

We all have health and fitness goals, but now is an ideal time to commit to a specific wellness journey and consider monetizing it. This can be a two-fold effort to become healthier and have a new income stream! I recently decided to pursue what I call a ‘Veganish’ lifestyle and have found great enjoyment in discovering new recipes, preparing my own homemade concoctions, and creating a recipe book. 

There are many other wellness choices to research, whether it be a pescatarian, vegetarian, raw food, or an alkaline path. In addition to this, choose a physical fitness effort to master and/or become a certified instructor. A daily physical fitness pursuit will help combat anxiety and positively impact your overall mood.  

Pace Yourself With Online Activities

The Internet is now our primary mode of dating, working, socializing, and family time; therefore, intentionally pacing yourself is necessary. The high volume of connection through online dating at times can feel draining, and the increased frequency of disappointment can interrupt your peace. Instead of logging in daily, treat it like an extracurricular activity that you engage in on the weekends. The more you pace yourself with online dating, the less daunting the experience will be. Also, allow yourself to take a break from social media as this will immensely bless your life! 

Although it feels essential to stay “in the know” or connect with the rest of the world, the continual scrolling will inevitably lead to subconscious anxiety. Since we can’t wholly moderate which posts will emerge in our feed, we often digest everything from conspiracy theories to celebrity gossip. Challenge yourself to delete your social media apps for seven days, and anytime you reach for the phone to scroll, pick up a book instead. As it relates to other online endeavors, be careful of “Zoom fatigue.” 

Lillie Mae (Photo courtesy of Lillie Mae)
Lillie Mae (Photo courtesy of Lillie Mae)

Channel Your Inner Child

Break up the monotony of quarantine isolation by adding more variation to the day and channeling your inner child. Children are free, joyous, and imaginative, so we have to remind ourselves to reconnect with those energies daily. As a kid, my sister and I would drape blankets over the furniture to make a fort. Likewise, you can use your imagination and create fun experiences for yourself! Consider purchasing an adult coloring book, puzzles, a bike, karaoke mic, painting supplies, bubbles, or a video game, and have some innocent fun.

Let Go of the Need to Control

Practice radical acceptance, and continue to affirm the desires of your heart daily, such as “Money comes to me easily and effortlessly,” “I am worthy of true love, and I’m attracting it now,” “My body and mind are healthy and whole.” Give yourself grace to fully experience your emotions without judgment and remember that God’s timing is the best timing. What is meant for you will not pass you!