Why I Said I Do: From 1st Grade Friends to Lovers for Life – Amy & Malcolm
by Amy Gillon



July 5, 2023


6 Minute Read


Why I Said I Do: From 1st Grade Friends to Lovers for Life – Amy & Malcolm

Amy & Malcolm Gillon

On Wednesdays, Black Love features couple’s first-person stories of why they said “I do.” While we know that marriage is not just about the wedding day but the life you share together, we want to know why you decided to walk down the aisle and take that step toward forever. Want your story to be heard next? Email our editor at yasmine@blacklove.com.

Meet Amy & Malcolm Gillon! 

My husband Malcolm and I met back in 1995 in New Jersey as first graders at Speedway Avenue Elementary School. Although we were not in the same class, we did know each other and became acquaintances with mutual friends. Although my family moved around a lot, I always ended up back at the same schools as Malcolm (Camden Middle School and Science High School). In high school, I had a crush on Malcolm but did not tell anyone because he was the bad boy and I was the good girl, and it seemed like it would never work. After high school, Malcolm and I went our separate ways. I went to college, and he joined the working world. One day while attending the summer EOF program at The College of New Jersey, I received a phone call from Malcolm asking when he could take me out. I was shocked to hear from him, but I told him that at my school, there was a shuttle bus that took the students to different places in the area, like the movies, mall, etc. He said he would visit me and take me out…Malcolm didn’t call me again until two years later. When we spoke again, he first asked about the shuttle bus. But by then, it was finals time, and since we were getting out of school for the summer, the shuttle had stopped running. Of course, I was skeptical, but I told him I’d be home for the summer and maybe we could hang out then.

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Courtesy of Amy Gillon

Summer 2009 was the beginning of something special. He began to call frequently, and our first date was to Red Lobster. We continued to talk on the phone and go out occasionally all summer, and on August 24, 2009, we became boyfriend and girlfriend. While I was in school, Malcolm made sure his presence was known. He has always been a hard-working man and has often held multiple jobs at once, but he made sure I knew I was his priority. He didn’t drive back then, but he would take three buses and a train from Newark to Ewing to see me. He would attend different campus events with me and even bring me groceries to my dorm without me asking. In October 2012, when our state was devastated by Hurricane Sandy and the whole city was without electricity, Malcolm walked 35 minutes from his house to mine to ensure I was safe. He has always presented himself as a provider and protector. So in 2013, when he asked me to be his wife, there was no hesitation in my “yes!” 

Courtesy of Amy Gillon

We were engaged for 15 months and during that time, we faced many obstacles. Two of the biggest obstacles were some family members against us getting married at a young age and unemployment while trying to save for our wedding. But with God and perseverance, we held each other up and continued the course. Through it all, I’m glad I chose to say “I do” on May 24, 2014. Malcolm and I have always been a team. He picks me up where I am weak, and I do the same for him. Through our love for each other, I have learned patience, empathy, and forgiveness that I didn’t know I was capable of. I said “I do” because Malcolm made me feel safe. With him, I felt like I was a part of a team. Together, we could accomplish anything! I wanted to be his support forever. I wanted to build with him. Malcolm could make me laugh like no one else could. He was my best friend. I wanted to encourage his dreams and help him through his struggles. We’re blessed to say that for these nine years that we’ve been married, we’ve done just that! It hasn’t always been easy, and some years seemed like they were going to break us, but our union is definitely stronger for it. I believe that as long as we keep God first and remember why we chose each other in the first place, then we can and will weather any storm.

Find the full #WhyISaidIDo collection here.