We were platonic friends for a year until one Saturday after spending the entire day together… We kissed.
“We were platonic friends for a year until one Saturday after spending the entire day together… We kissed. Something about that kiss was so special, it not only changed the dynamic of our relationship, but changed our lives. One month after our first kiss we agreed to be together. Six months after going steady, Nate proposed. Five months after agreeing to marry him, we broke ground on our first home and six months after that we moved in. Now, here I am… living the life I always prayed for. A life I often feel undeserving of. Not the life of being in love, or married, or even a homeowner – I honestly would’ve been fulfilled without any of those things. But instead, a life of intention. Some people may be opposed to the rate at which we moved. Everything they call quick, we call it intentional. When a man recognizes and is sure about the life he wants to build with you and the things he wants to do for you, he does just that without hesitation. So here’s to you, My Love, for never hesitating or second guessing. For following through on every little thing you said you would do. You make all my dreams come true! When your heart finds a home, build one.”⠀