Our Story: Danielle & Devon
by Love Stories



October 26, 2018


2 Minute Read


Our Story: Danielle & Devon

The Fanfairs

Honor. Love. Joy. Service. These are the core values that we decided on during our pre-marital coaching. Neither of us had a clear point of reference for when we met. We became such fast and easy friends that it felt like we’d always known each other. When we started dating, we moved with a swift intention to become a family! We share a common ambition to live a life of purpose and to make money in a way that honors our gifts and changes the world. Sounds great, right? Ain’t too many job listings that fit these criteria, though. We’ve been married seven years and counting!

To accomplish our goal, we’ve experienced some significant financial challenges. Let me tell you, a financial lack is like a MAGNIFYING GLASS on a relationship. In the scarcity, we really saw what was there. We went through moments where my earnings supported our household finances and other moments where it was all on him, working at a stressful corporate job that did not fulfill him. @mr_fanfair and I LIKE each other; it’s a non-negotiable. We believe that maintaining our friendship creates fertile ground for romance, support and everything else. Struggling alone didn’t work; we chose to lean on one another instead of turning against each other. We mustered up the energy to have inexpensive date nights and toast cheap wine with our beans and rice. We decided that we would shift the energy of our family and manifest what we wanted TOGETHER. Things began happening quickly.

Our visions are manifesting at roller-coaster speed. Thankfully, we are out of the financial woods and able to rest without worrying about money. Through the highs and the valleys, our “like” for each other is the foundation for our love, unity, and endurance. We are still figuring it out, and so grateful to figure it out together.

Reflections by Danielle Fanfair