black love summit 2021

Facilitated by Black Love co-creator Tommy Oliver and featuring four other notable husbands, Warryn Campbell, Neil Brown Jr., Michael Jai White, and Major, the panel consisted of each discussing their relationships and the different paths they took to achieve successful marriages. Warryn Campbell, who admitted that he understood very little about what it took to become a husband before marriage, said he wasn’t aware of how much compromise and work it would take. Meanwhile, Neil Brown Jr. and Michael Jai White agreed that in order to have a successful relationship, you have to go through some trials. They mentioned having to walk the tightrope without the net. They also stated that an important part of marriage is being able to be yourself and being vulnerable. You definitely want to be a fly on the wall for this group of unfiltered husbands.


Read the full article here.


This panel, facilitated by professional matchmaker Devyn Simone, and included two couples: Devin and BreAnna, and Anthony and Melanie. Anthony and Melanie shared that before meeting each other, they were both in unsuccessful marriages. By the time they met, their chemistry was so strong that they had sex on the first night and have since been married for 30 years, proving that there’s no one way to find love! BreAnna and Devin shared that they had met on a dating app and read their hilarious initial conversation out loud. They explained how they hit it off instantly. The recurring theme between both couples was conversation and chemistry. The couples also discussed the importance of being vulnerable, acknowledging and unlearning past traumas for the sake of your partner and your marriage. Being authentic as well as being the best version of yourself is imperative in creating any successful relationship. Also making a conscious effort to step outside of your comfort zone to appease your partner is something that can keep the relationship strong.


Read the full article here.