Hello! We are The Whites of L.A. — built up of Aaron and Viergeni White and our beautiful daughter, Claile, who joined our tribe three-and-a-half years ago. Ten-and-a-half years ago we met on Myspace. One year after that first message — we were married! If we had to label our journey so far, the title would be “a gangsta rollercoaster” — full of ups, downs, twist and turns, thrills and chills, but ride-or-die loyalty and love nonetheless. Our goal in the future is to have a compound where we grow our own food and are surrounded by family and friends. We got a little taste of that goal when, on October 7th, we had the honor and privilege of being in the village that was the 2018 Black Love Summit. Here are our takeaways that we will be etching into the fabric of our tribe.